Posted by Heather Lang on
Microsoft unleashed quite the hysterical mob when they revealed their new Windows 11 OS recently. This caused a stir because they claimed new OS will not operate on older machines. So they've backtracked and uncovered how to upgrade existing Windows 10 machines to Windows 11 without meeting the full minimum system requirements.
It is now clarified on their support page how to upgrade to Windows 11 without having TPM 2.0 support. You will still need support for TPM 1.2, but that covers far more chips, going back years.
To make sure you have TPM 1.2 turned on in your BIOS, simply hit Win+r and type tpm.msc to confirm turned on. Your version of TPM will also display in the bottom right-hand corner. If it is NOT turned on, a quick trip to your BIOS will allow you to correct.
You should also check whether your motherboard has a BIOS update at this time, as motherboard manufacturers have been updating their BIOSes to make it more obvious where this option is.
To fix this, simply hit Win+r and type regedit to access the registry editor. Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup, right-click the main panel, and create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value with the name of AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU. Set this value to 1.
By adjusting these settings, you can now follow the steps to install Windows 11. Make sure you meet the minimum requirements below!
While you might be chomping at the bit to upgrade your OS, keep in mind that new systems are *always* buggy and in fact you might just want to take your time and let others work out the kinks first. Happy tech-ing!